Getting started with Tkinter for Python tutorial

Tkinter stands for “Tk interface”: the package with the same name on many Linux distributions provides the Python bindings for the Tcl/Tk GUI toolkit. Although other graphical toolkit can be used from Python, like Qt or GTK, Tkinter is the standard (the Python IDLE editor and development environment is written using this toolkit, for example) and probably the easiest to work with.

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Converting a binary number to decimal via Python script in Linux

How to convert binary number to decimal with python

In this guide, we will show you a short script that can be used to convert a binary number to a decimal number in Python on Linux. This script uses casting which is used to convert a variable from one type to another. In this case, we use Python casting to convert a string to decimal number that is an integer.

Check out the script below to use it on your own system.

In this tutorial you will learn:

  • How to convert binary number to decimal with Python

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How to Install Open-Source VSCode Without Telemetry on Linux

Visual Studio Code or VSCode is a text editor developed by Microsoft that supports many popular programming languages such as Go, Java, JavaScript, Node.js, Python, C and C++. It is a directory based, language agnostic source code editor which focuses on directories rather than projects and has many extensions available for it. VSCode’s feature set includes bracket matching, syntax highlighting, code folding, linting, debugging, and built in version control via Git, Subversion or Perforce. Ever since the initial release of VSCode in 2015, it has become an increasingly popular programming tool amongst users of all desktop operating systems including GNU/Linux.

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How to work with the Woocommerce REST API with Python

WordPress is probably the most used CMS in the world (it is estimated that almost 40% of all websites are built using the platform): it is very easy to install and use, and allows even non-developers to create website in few minutes.
Wordpress has a very large plugin ecosystem; one of the most famous is Woocommerce, which allows us to turn a website into an online store in few steps. The plugin makes use of the WordPress REST API infrastructure; in this tutorial we will see how to interact with the Woocommerce API using the Python programming language, showing how to list, create, update and delete products and categories.

In this tutorial you will learn:

  • How to generate Woocommerce REST API credentials and enable pretty permalinks
  • How to interact with the Woocommerce REST API using Python and the woocommerce package
  • How to get information about the existing Woocommerce categories, create, update and delete them
  • How to get information about the existing Woocommerce products
  • How to create simple and a variable products with variations
  • How to update and delete a product


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