How to switch user on Linux

How to switch user on Linux

Linux is a multi user operating system, meaning that it supports having multiple simultaneous user accounts. Some Linux systems may have a few different accounts, and others could have hundreds, depending on the purpose of the system. Switching between user accounts is a common task for Linux administrators who are in charge of user account management, as it allows them to test permissions or troubleshoot problems.

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How to switch to root on Linux

How to switch to root on Linux

Linux users will inevitably need to log into the root account, or use administrator privileges, quite frequently. Tasks like installing or removing software, configuring system settings, adjusting file permissions, and many others usually require access to the root user account in order to perform. The root account can be accessed either by logging directly into the account, or by using the sudo Linux command to temporarily access root and execute a command with administrator privileges. In this tutorial, we will show you how to change to the root account on a Linux system, and how to use sudo to execute commands with root privileges.

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Who Linux command: Explained

Who Linux command: Explained

who is a very basic Linux command that is easy to learn and frequently comes in handy for Linux system administrators. It is a good way to see what users are logged into the system and information about each session. In this tutorial, we will explain how to use the who command on a Linux system, and go over all of its command line options. Follow along with our examples and you will quickly master this command and understand which situations it is most useful in.

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Solving the 'Command Not Found' Error on Linux

Solving the ‘Command Not Found’ Error on Linux

While using the terminal of your Linux system, you will receive the Command Not Found error whenever a command you are entering is not accessible. In most cases, this could be due to a simple typo, or it could mean that you do not have the command installed yet. It could also indicate that the command is just missing from your system’s PATH environment variable, which is another easy thing to fix.

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How to install Signal on Linux

How to install Signal on Linux

Signal is a free and open source messaging application developed by the Signal Foundation: it is available on all the major operating systems such as Linux, Windows, Android and iOS, and supports all the major features one can expect, such as encryption, the ability to send files and make group calls. All the infrastructure behind Signal is open source, including the messaging protocol and the server software: the source code is available on github.

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Basic Linux Commands

Basic Linux Commands

Linux beginners may get overwhelmed by the sheer number of commands that are available in the terminal, but most users will find themselves executing the same few commands over and over. If you are looking to get started with the Linux command line, we have listed 20 of the most important and basic commands that you should know. These basic commands are the most essential to learn, and also the ones you will likley find yourself using the most.

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Vim Tutorial

VIM tutorial for beginners

The Vim editor (and its predecessor, vi) is a command line editor for Linux systems. It has a long standing reputation as being the most powerful text editor on Linux. After mastering it, many users will even claim that it is far speedier and more convenient to use than a typical GUI editor packed with lots of features in its menus.

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Introduction to Column

How to format data with Column in Linux

Column is a free and open source utility usually installed as part of the util-linux package in all the most common Linux distribution, and therefore included in even the most minimal installations. With this utility we can organize the content of files or the output of other commands in columns, creating pretty tables or even producing JSON formatted documents. 

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