ownCloud file sync and share server Docker image deployment and usage


The automated build docker ownCloudfile sync and share server image “linuxconfig/owncloud” can be used to instantly deploy ownCloud on docker hosts.


The ownCloudfile sync and share server runs on Debian GNU/Linux system featuring Apache web server, MariaDB ( MySQL ), database and PHP5. A new docker container based on “linuxconfig/owncloud” will expose port 80 which can be linked to the docker host port for an immediate ownCloud web site access.

Configured MySQL users:passwords:

  • root:”empty password”
  • admin:”pass”

Configured MySQL databases:

  • owncloud

Exposed ports:

  • 80


Below command will download and create a new docker container called owncloud and link local host system port 80 with container’s exposed port 80.

# docker run -d --name=owncloud -p 80:80 linuxconfig/owncloud


Once you deploy the owncloud docker container you can immediately access it by using your browser and navigating to http://localhost and start owncloud installation by using the information provided above.

Additional information

Use the following linux command to update or reset MariaDB user password. The below command will set a new admin user password:

# docker exec -it owncloud mysqladmin -uadmin -ppass password abc123

To create a new database eg. owncloud2 enter:

# docker exec -it owncloud mysqladmin -uadmin -ppass create owncloud2