Configuring write caching on Linux

How linux write cache works

Let’s start by explaining what write-back caching is and how it works to better understand the Linux write cache. Write caching is a feature available on most hard drives that allows them to collect all data into the drive’s cache memory, before being permanently written to disk. Once a certain amount of data is collected in the hard drive’s cache memory, the whole data chunk is transferred and stored with a single writing event.

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Adjusting the size of the virtual machine's hard disk

VirtualBox increase disk size on Linux

In this tutorial you will learn how to increase disk size on VirtualBox. One of the great things about installing an operating system into a virtual machine is that we can easily change the machine’s CPU utilization limit, its memory usage, and the amount of hard drive space it has. With VirtualBox, all of these hardware specifications can even be changed long after the virtual machine is created.

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Megatools Linux install and Basic Introduction

Megatools Linux install and Basic Introduction

This tutorial will deal with Megatools Linux install and Basic Introduction. MEGA is one of the most famous cloud storage and file hosting services available. The service offered by the company are normally accessible via web interface or dedicated applications also on smartphone operating systems such as Android or iOS. In this article we see how to access the service from the command line via a free and open source set of tools written in Python: Megatools.

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wipefs Linux command tutorial with examples

wipefs Linux command tutorial with examples

The wipefs Linux command utility can be used to erase various types of signatures from a device (partition tables, filesystem signatures, etc…). It is available in the repository of all the most used Linux distributions, and it is usually installed by default as part of of the util-linux package, which contains also other essentials utilities aimed at system maintenance, so we should never have to install it explicitly. In this tutorial we will see how to use wipefs to gather information about the existing signatures and how to erase them.

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NFS, SAMBA, and CIFS are three different terms that get thrown around a lot whenever someone mentions file sharing between two or more systems. But, do you know what these three implementations do, and how they do it differently from one another? For some reason these technologies remain in a shroud of mystery to even some seasoned system administrators.

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Backup, restore, destroy, and install MBR on Linux

Linux Backup Restore Destroy and Install MBR – Master Boot Record

Master Boot Record (MBR) is a type of boot loader that tells a system how the partitions on a disk are organized. Although MBR has been superseded by GUID Partition Table in recent years, MBR is still very prevalent across many systems. Without a boot loader, your system will have a hard time booting into your operating system – whichever Linux distro that may be. As such, it can be useful to learn how to back up and restore the MBR on Linux.

In this guide, we’ll be going over the commands used to backup, restore, destroy, and install MBR to a disk on Linux. Check out the examples below to learn how.

In this tutorial you will learn:

  • How to manage MBR on Linux

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Searching for two different file name patterns in a compressed archive on Linux

Search the contents of compressed gzip archive file on Linux

Archives compressed with gzip have the .tar.gz or .tgz file extension. It’s easy enough to extract the contents from these files, but what if you only need a certain file? There’s not much sense in extracting hundreds or thousands of files from an archive if you’re only looking for a few files.

Fortunately, we can utilize the Linux command line and even GUI archive managers to search the contents of gzip compressed archives. Once we identify the file we want, it’s possible to extract the file by itself, rather than extracting every single file.

In this guide, we’ll show how to search one or multiple gzip archives for a particular file from both command line and GUI.

In this tutorial you will learn:

  • How to search the contents of a compressed gzip archive via command line
  • How to search the contents of a compressed gzip archive via GUI
  • How to search the contents of multiple gzip archives
  • How to extract a particular file from a gzip archive

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