How to integrate any distribution inside a terminal with distrobox

How to integrate any Linux distribution inside a terminal with Distrobox

Distrobox is a free and open source tool which allows us to integrate the userlands of Linux distributions. Under the hood it uses Docker or Podman to create containers, and integrates them with the host by sharing access to the graphical server, the user HOME directory and USB devices. In this tutorial we see how to install and use Distrobox on the most used Linux distributions.

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Installing Docker on CentOS 9 Stream

Installing Docker on CentOS 9 Stream

Docker has become a crucial tool for developers, enabling them to package applications into containers, which are standalone executable packages containing everything needed to run a piece of software, including the code, runtime, libraries, environment variables, and config files. This article will walk you through the process of installing Docker on CentOS 9 Stream, breaking down each step to ensure a smooth and successful installation.

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Running Ubuntu 24.04 LTS on Docker

Ubuntu 24.04 LTS represents the cutting edge of open-source operating systems for both development and production environments. Docker, on the other hand, simplifies the deployment of applications inside software containers, making it an essential tool for modern developers. Combining Docker with Ubuntu 24.04 LTS can significantly streamline your development workflow. This tutorial aims to guide you through the process of setting up and running an Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Docker container on your machine.

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How to bind a rootless container to a privileged port on Linux

One of the main innovations introduced by Podman was the ability to run rootless containers. Security wise, this was a big improvement, since a potentially compromised container running as root represents a security threat for the host system. In order to obtain a similar behavior, recent versions of Docker support running the docker daemon in the user context. Running unprivileged containers, albeit more secure, has also its drawbacks, as the inability to bind to privileged host ports.

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How to install Docker on Raspberry Pi

How to install Docker on Raspberry Pi

The purpose of this tutorial is to show how to install Docker on a Raspberry Pi system. Docker is a tool that is used to run software in a container. It’s a great way for developers and users to worry less about compatibility with an operating system and dependencies because the contained software should run identically on any system.

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Getting started with toolbx

Getting started with Toolbx

Fedora Silverblue is an immutable variant of Fedora Workstation: every installation of this distribution is identical to the others, which is ideal for testing and predictability. On Fedora Silverblue, flatpaks are used as the primary method of installing software together with rpm-ostree which basically creates an additional layer over the immutable filesystem each time an rpm is installed. The toolbx utility is included in Fedora Silverblue as a way to create isolated, mutable environments using podman and the containers technology, allowing the user to install development tools and libraries without touching the main system. Toolbx can be used also on regular Fedora versions.

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how to deploy a self-hosted vaultwarden instance

How to deploy a self-hosted Vaultwarden instance

Everyone, nowadays, has several accounts and credentials to take care of, that’s why everyone needs a decent and possibly open source password manager. When it comes to managing passwords there are many choices available on Linux: in the past, for example we talked about “pass”, a great, command line oriented, password-manager based on standard tools such as GPG and git. In this article we explore an alternative which can be the ideal solution for individuals and small organizations: Vaultwarden.

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How to Install Kubernetes on Rocky Linux

How to Install Kubernetes on Rocky Linux

Kubernetes has quickly risen in popularity as the go to solution for deploying containerized applications inside of a cluster. It gives administrators many options for scaling applications, and offers advanced features like rolling updates and self healing. To get started learning about Kubernetes or to test your containerized applications in a deployment scenario, installing minikube will help immensely.

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Kubernetes vs Docker, what's the difference?

Kubernetes vs Docker, what’s the difference?

Kubernetes and Docker are two names that often get lumped in together. If you are new to containerization technology, you might be wondering what these two technologies do, how they are different from each other, and how both of them fit into the puzzle to tackle a single goal. Both of these tools are important and relevant to system administrators, and are often employed on a Linux system.

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How to Create a Kubernetes Cluster

How to Create a Kubernetes Cluster

Kubernetes is leading software in container orchestration. Kubernetes works by managing clusters, which is simply a set of hosts meant for running containerized applications. In order to have a Kubernetes cluster, you need a minimum of two nodes – a master node and a worker node. Of course, you can expand the cluster by adding as many worker nodes as you need.

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