how to disable IPv6 on linux

How to disable IPv6 on Linux

Support for the Internet Protocol version 6 is available on Linux since 1996. The kernel implements this functionality, which is usually active and enabled by default on all the major distributions, via the “ipv6” module. Sometimes, for various reasons, it may be desirable to temporarily or permanently disable IPv6 networking.

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How to load, unload and blacklist Linux modules

How to load, unload and blacklist Linux kernel modules

Linux kernel functionalities, such as the support for specific devices or filesystems, are organized in modules, which can be built statically into the kernel or as separated “units” which can be loaded and unloaded on request. Nowadays needed modules are automatically loaded, so we seldom need to explicit manage them. In certain situations, however, we may need to perform such actions.

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Yocto Linux: Tutorial Basics

Yocto Linux: Tutorial Basics

The Yocto Project allows users to create custom Linux distributions for emedded and IoT software. It is an open source project, calloborated on by the Linux foundation and other big names in the tech industry. Its big advantage is that it can work on a variety of architectures including some that are not as mainstream or widespread, like ARM, MIPS, PowerPC, x86, and x86-64.

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Build custom kernel on Debian / Ubuntu

Build custom kernel on Debian / Ubuntu

The Linux kernel sits at the core of all Linux systems, including thousands of GNU/Linux distributions, the Android mobile operating system, and tons of embedded systems, networking devices, etc. Its popuarity and ubiquity can be credited to the fact that it is free and open source. Anyone can download the Linux kernel, make changes to it if they wish, and compile it for their own commercial or private use.

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Check information of kernel module on Linux

Check information of kernel module on Linux

Every time a Linux system is booted, there are a number of kernel modules that will be loaded by the system and used to provide additional support for filesystems, new hardware, and many other things. Obtaining information about particular kernel modules may a be an important troubleshooting skill. In this tutorial, we will explain how to obtain module information such as description, dependency, author or relevant object file name using the modinfo command and its various options.

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Managing kernel modules on Linux

Basic Linux Kernel commands for module administration

The kernel of a Linux system is the core that everything else in the operating system relies on. The functionality of the kernel can be extended by adding modules to it by use of a specific Linux kernel commands. As such, a user can fine tune their kernel settings by enabling or disabling modules. This level of granular control is one of the many reasons why users love Linux in the first place.

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