Control CPU and RAM usage in Kubernetes

Control CPU and RAM usage in Kubernetes

Kubernetes is typically used to scale containerized applications across many worker nodes. With more and more applications being deployed into your Kubernetes cluster, managing CPU and memory utilization becomes a crucial issue. In this tutorial, we will look at how to manage CPU and RAM usage in Kubernetes on a Linux system, in order to configure resource limits and ensure that containers are not using more than they are allotted.

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How to Setup Minikube for Kubernetes

How to Setup Minikube for Kubernetes

Minikube is software that allows users to run a Kubernetes cluster of just a single node. It is rather fast to set up and makes for a perfect testing environment for developers to see how their containerized application will run on Kubernetes. It is not meant for production, but rather to test applications and deployment settings to see how they fare before sending them to a production environment.

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What is Kubernetes used for?

What is Kubernetes used for?

Kubernetes is container orchestration software that allows us to deploy, manage, and scale containerized applications. It has gained a lot of traction over the recent years and has become the most viable way to horizontally and vertically scale applications, even outperforming traditional methods such as virtualization. Kubernetes was originally developed and used by Google, and has since been taken over by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF).

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kubeadm vs minikube, pros and cons

kubeadm vs minikube, pros and cons

Once you start looking into creating a Kubernetes cluster to run your containerized applications, one of the first decisions you need to make is what tool to use to run your cluster. Two of the most popular choices for running Kubernetes on a Linux system are kubeadm and minikube. Each one has their pros and cons, and fills a certain niche that the other does not.

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How to Create a Kubernetes Cluster

How to Create a Kubernetes Cluster

Kubernetes is leading software in container orchestration. Kubernetes works by managing clusters, which is simply a set of hosts meant for running containerized applications. In order to have a Kubernetes cluster, you need a minimum of two nodes – a master node and a worker node. Of course, you can expand the cluster by adding as many worker nodes as you need.

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How to deploy WordPress on a Kubernetes cluster

How to deploy WordPress on a Kubernetes cluster

Running containerized WordPress in a Kubernetes cluster is a fantastic way to make sure that your website can horizontally scale with increased traffic demands. In this tutorial, we will see how to deploy a WordPress website in a Kubernetes cluster on a Linux system. We will be using the easy method, which is via the helm package manager for Kubernetes. Afterwards, it is simple enough to customize the install to fit your needs.

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How to manage and troubleshoot Kubernetes logs

How to manage and troubleshoot Kubernetes logs

Kubernetes is open source software that allows us to manage containerized applications across node systems. When it comes to managing a Kubernetes cluster, one of the most important aspects of administration is to keep constant tabs on the logs. These logs give us valuable information about the performance and overall health of our Kubernetes cluster. In this tutorial, we will see how to manage and troubleshooting Kubernetes logs on a Linux system.

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How to Deploy an Application in Kubernetes

How to Deploy an Application in Kubernetes

Kubernetes gives system administrators the means to manage containerized applications. To get started, we need to deploy an application inside of our Kubernetes cluster. From there, Kubernetes will manage many aspects of our application, plus give us tools to interact with it as needed. In this tutorial, we will go through the step by step instructions to deploy an application in Kubernetes on a Linux system.

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Setup FTP server on Linux

Setup FTP server on Linux

FTP, which stands for “File Transfer Protocol,” is a useful way for transferring files between a client and a server. Depending on the permissions granted to a user, they can traverse directories on the server, download the files to their local computer, and also upload files from their computer to the server. Usually, servers are kept secure by only allowing users with accounts to login via FTP, but it is also possible to configure anonymous authorization, which allows anyone to connect to the server to download and/or upload files.

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How to Create a Flatpak Application from Scratch

How to Create a Flatpak Application from Scratch

Application developers will often choose Flatpak as a medium for packaging and distributing their software. Flatpak allows developers to make their software available across all types of Linux systems without having to publish individual installers to satisfy the requirements of each distribution. App developers can also utilize Flatpak’s distribution system which relies on software repositories; it is rather easy to host your own or upload your work to a renowned Flatpak remote.

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