How to install Node.js on Raspberry Pi

How to install Node.js on Raspberry Pi

A Raspberry Pi can function as a lightweight web server, hosting and serving content to thousands of users for a very low cost. Raspberry Pi models can host web server environments such as Node.js, which is a JavaScript runtime environment that is used for hosting websites. It offers users the ability to write websites in JavaScript, in which the code executes on the server instead of a client’s browser. This puts some additional load on the server when compared to a static site, but a Raspberry Pi can easily handle light traffic to the site.

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Automating Raspberry Pi: How to Autostart Programs

Automating Raspberry Pi: How to Autostart Programs

Getting programs to start up automatically on your Raspberry Pi will help you to automate the device for certain tasks. Most users are likely not going to use their Raspberry Pi as a daily driver, so they will need services and programs to start up automatically without further user intervention. Whenever we can automate such tasks, it makes less work for us. In this tutorial, we will go over the step by step instructions to enable programs to autostart via command line and GUI on a Raspberry Pi.

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Getting started with toolbx

Getting started with Toolbx

Fedora Silverblue is an immutable variant of Fedora Workstation: every installation of this distribution is identical to the others, which is ideal for testing and predictability. On Fedora Silverblue, flatpaks are used as the primary method of installing software together with rpm-ostree which basically creates an additional layer over the immutable filesystem each time an rpm is installed. The toolbx utility is included in Fedora Silverblue as a way to create isolated, mutable environments using podman and the containers technology, allowing the user to install development tools and libraries without touching the main system. Toolbx can be used also on regular Fedora versions.

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How to locate and set JAVA home directory on Linux

How to locate and set JAVA home directory on Linux

The Java home directory is the installation directory for the Java Runtime Environment and Java Development Kit (see: Java JDK vs JRE. This directory contains all of the files that come with Java and are used to run Java programs or compile them. The location for this directory can change depending on your system (Linux, MacOS, Windows, etc.) and the version of Java that you have installed.

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PyCharm 3D creation suite on Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa

How to install PyCharm on Ubuntu 20.04 Linux Desktop

PyCharm is a graphical IDE (integrated development environment) that can be installed on Ubuntu Desktop. Many Python programmers enjoy using PyCharm because it can be used to analyze code, debug programs, and is integrated with Git and other version control systems, as well as web development applications. PyCharm is developed by JetBrains. It is free and open source, or at least the community edition is.

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How to Use Kubernetes Namespaces

How to Use Kubernetes Namespaces

In order to have a logical separation for different groups of resources, Kubernetes gives us the namespaces feature. It is also convenient when you have a big environment that is managed by multiple users or teams, and each one needs their own “space” for the resources that they are assigned to manage and administer. This is a much better solution than creating numerous Kubernetes clusters just to facilitate different groups of services or deployments, and to isolate teams to their own space.

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How to Use Scale Command in Kubernetes

How to Use Scale Command in Kubernetes

One of the most important features of Kubernetes is the ability to easily scale our containerized applications. This allows administrators to deal with increased traffic by adding more replicas that can handle the uptick in activity. Kubernetes can handle the load intelligently by distributing the work evenly to pods in the cluster, ensuring that none of them become overwhelmed.

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Introduction to Vagrant

Introduction to Vagrant

Vagrant is a free and open source tool developed by Hashicorp, defined as a “a tool for building and distributing development environments”. What Vagrant does is basically acting as an abstraction layer/wrapper around virtual machines providers such as Virtualbox, VMware and libvirt, allowing us to build, provision and easily replicate virtual machines environments on different operating systems, using a common syntax.

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Check CPU and RAM usage of a Kubernetes pod

Check CPU and RAM usage of a Kubernetes pod

One of the most essential parts of Kubernetes administration is to keep an eye on resource usage for your master and worker nodes. Checking how much CPU and RAM resources a pod is utilizing can tell you if further scaling needs to be considered in order to deal with the increased load, or if a new configuration or hardware upgrade is in order. In this tutorial, we will look at different ways to check CPU and RAM usage of a Kubernetes pod on a Linux system.

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Install and Use MicroK8s on Ubuntu

Install and Use MicroK8s on Ubuntu

MicroK8s is one of the lightest Kubernetes deployments available, with a very small footprint. This makes it ideal for deployment on edge devices or lightweight machines such as a Raspberry Pi or virtual machine. It can be used in a production environment at a very small scale, but is probably mostly known for its use in development and testing. It is very simple to install and launch a quick Kubernetes cluster with MicroK8s, do your needed testing, and then remove the entire package.

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How to Create and Manage a Pod in Kubernetes

How to Create and Manage a Pod in Kubernetes

A pod is the lowest and most basic container deployment and management unit in Kubernetes. Pods are a logical host for one or more containers that are connected through the localhost interface and share the same network namespace. When using Kubernetes, you will inevitably be creating pods when getting your applications up and running, and then managing your pods to make sure that your hosted applications are running as expected.

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How to Create, Manage, and Expose a Service in Kubernetes

How to Create, Manage, and Expose a Service in Kubernetes

A ‘service’ is a way to make an application accessible from the network in Kubernetes. It involves exposing one or multiple network ports that are tied to a containerized application. For example, you can run a containerized web server and expose it over the network to turn it into a service. This then allows incoming client connections, so in this case users could visit the hosted web server.

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