Checking the status of NGINX on Ubuntu

How to check NGINX status on Ubuntu

After installing NGINX on Ubuntu Linux, either as a web server or reverse proxy server, you’ll need to learn the basics of administrating the service. In this tutorial, we’ll show how to check the status of NGINX on Ubuntu. This will give you information about the state of the NGINX service, to help you determine if it’s running, accepting connections successfully, etc. We’ll also explain the various states of NGINX, so you know what to do with the information that’s presented.

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Change IP address on Ubuntu Server

Change IP address on Ubuntu Server

You have two options when configuring the IP address on your Ubuntu Server, and that is either a static IP address or DHCP. A static IP address allows you to manually select your IP address by configuring it on the Linux system, whereas DHCP relies on the router or DHCP server to lease you an IP address – either a reserved one or the next available one that is currently free, depending on the setup.

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Installing and using the ifconfig command on Debian

How to install missing ifconfig command on Linux

Most of us longtime Linux users have the ifconfig command seared into our brain, after years of repetitive use. It comes as a shock to some when they type the command and are met with an error message (ifconfig command not found). Indeed, the command has become deprecated, but it’s still possible to install the ifconfig command. The newer alternative is the ip command, which has new functions but also a different syntax that takes some getting used to.

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Ubuntu 22.04 network configuration

Ubuntu 22.04 Network Setup

Network setup for Ubuntu can range from easy to hard, depending on what you’re trying to do. Canonical prides itself on making their Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy Jellyfish Linux operating system very simple to use, even if you do not have a lot of technical knowledge. Despite its simplicity, Ubuntu has a lot going on under the hood to make things work, including networking configuration that allows you to connect to local devices or servers across the world.

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Fixing the 'Permission Denied' Error on Linux

Fixing the ‘Permission Denied’ Error on Linux

If you receive the Permission Denied error on your Linux system, it usually means that your user account does not have the proper permissions on the file or directory you are trying to interact with. All files and directories in the Linux file system have user and group permissions attached to them that delegate access to read, write, or execute the file. These permissions work independently of each other, so just because you are able to open a file, does not mean you can edit it.

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Linux IP forwarding

Linux IP forwarding – How to Disable/Enable using net.ipv4.ip_forward

It may be necessary to configure Linux IP forwarding on a Linux system in certain scenarios. If the Linux server is acting as a firewall, router, or NAT device, it will need to be capable of forwarding packets that are meant for other destinations (other than itself). Linux uses the net.ipv4.ip_forward kernel variable to toggle this setting on or off.

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Understanding Linux Permissions: The Differences between chmod and chown

Understanding Linux Permissions: The Differences between chmod and chown

If you are just starting to learn about file permissions on a Linux system, the chmod and chown commands will be your starting point for granting or revoking file permissions for user accounts. chmod and chown are completely different commands, yet they go hand in hand when it comes to modifying file permissions on the Linux file system. The basic summary is that chown can change the owner of a file, and chmod can change the permissions of the file, but this explanation is only scratching the surface.

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Recovering from Unintended Recursive chmod on System Directories: Steps and Precautions

Recovering from Unintended Recursive chmod on System Directories: Steps and Precautions

When tinkering around in the command line terminal of your Linux system, it is important to be aware that a small mishap can have dire consequences. Most Linux commands are not very forgiving, and there is often not an easy way to “reverse” a command after it has been run, especially on a large batch of files. The chmod command is one such command that users need to be wary of, as unintentionally changing the file permissions for system directories is not reversible, except through a slow, manual process.

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Explaining the Sticky Bit: What the "t" in Linux Directory Permissions Means

Explaining the Sticky Bit: What the “t” in Linux Directory Permissions Means

Most seasoned Linux users are already familiar with basic file permissions like read, write, and execute. These permissions exist on every file and administrators often need to edit such permissions in order to tighten up security or grant file access to certain users. A less common permission that you may not be as intimately familiar with is the “sticky bit.”

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Stat command: Usage and examples

Stat command: Usage and examples

The stat Linux command is one of the best ways to view the full details of any file that is stored on a Linux system. It is installed by default on all distributions, so there is nothing extra to install, and is basically a one stop shop for viewing file permissions, timestamp info like access times and modification times, and various other metadata for any file on your system. It also comes with a few handy options, allowing us to tailor the output for specific needs, and view information about all file types, including symbolic links, pseudo files, and others.

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Understanding and Resolving File Ownership Issues on Linux: "Operation not permitted"

Understanding and Resolving File Ownership Issues on Linux: “Operation not permitted”

When attempting to change the ownership of a file on a Linux system, you may encounter the Operation not permitted error if the action fails. This generic error does not give us a lot of insight into what the problem could be, so we must do a little digging to figure out why the error is occurring. In this tutorial, we will go through some troubleshooting steps to determine why this error occurs while trying to change file ownership with the chown Linux command.

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