CentOS Package Management: Top 20 Command Examples for System Administrators

CentOS Package Management: Top 20 Command Examples for System Administrators

Managing packages is a crucial aspect of system administration and development in Linux environments, such as CentOS. This guide is designed to introduce you to the top 20 most common examples of package manager usage on CentOS. Whether you are a new system administrator or a seasoned developer, understanding these examples will help you effectively manage your CentOS system’s packages, ensuring it runs smoothly and securely.

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Converting VirtualBox OVA to QCOW2 for QEMU/KVM Deployment

Converting VirtualBox OVA to QCOW2 for QEMU/KVM Deployment

In this detailed guide, we will explore the process of converting a VirtualBox OVA file to the QCOW2 format, a necessary step for deploying virtual machines in a QEMU/KVM environment. This conversion is essential for users looking to transition from VirtualBox to a more scalable and open-source virtualization option like QEMU/KVM. We’ll cover each step of the process, from exporting your VirtualBox machine to finally deploying it on QEMU/KVM.

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How to Change the Timezone in Ubuntu 24.04

Ubuntu 24.04: Change timezone

Whether you’re a seasoned Ubuntu user or new to the operating system, understanding how to manage your system’s timezone is essential for ensuring that your computer’s clock is accurate, which is crucial for many applications and tasks. Adjusting the timezone in Ubuntu can be done through both the Graphical User Interface (GUI) and the Command Line Interface (CLI), allowing users flexibility based on their preference or needs.

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Setting the Root Password on Ubuntu 24.04 Linux

Setting the Root Password on Ubuntu 24.04 Linux

When managing an Ubuntu 24.04 system, it’s essential to understand the security and administrative practices that come with it. By default, Ubuntu does not set a root password and encourages the use of the sudo command for administrative tasks. This approach enhances security by limiting the use of the root account. However, there are scenarios where having a root password is necessary. This guide will walk you through the process of setting a root password on Ubuntu 24.04, ensuring you can do so securely and efficiently.

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Setting the Hostname on Ubuntu 24.04

Setting the Hostname on Ubuntu 24.04

Changing the hostname of your Ubuntu 24.04 server or desktop is an important task that can help in easier identification of your system within a network. The hostname is essentially the name that your computer uses to identify itself to other devices on the network. This guide will walk you through the process of setting or changing the hostname on Ubuntu 24.04.

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Setting a Static IP Address in Ubuntu 24.04 via the Command Line

Setting a Static IP Address in Ubuntu 24.04 via the Command Line

Configuring a static IP address on your Ubuntu server is essential for various reasons, such as ensuring consistent network configuration, facilitating server management, and improving network security. Ubuntu 24.04, like its predecessors, uses the Netplan utility for network configuration, which simplifies the process of setting a static IP address through YAML configuration files.

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Customizing and Utilizing History in the Shell

Customizing and Utilizing History in the Shell

Every command that is typed into a Linux system’s terminal is typically stored in the history buffer for a period of time. This explains why pressing the up arrow in terminal will let you cycle through past commands that have been executed. This buffer of past commands can be customized according to an administrator’s needs, allowing us to vary the number of saved commands, clear the current history, or change other settings.

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How to Add a User to Sudoers in Ubuntu 24.04

Ubuntu, a popular Linux distribution, is widely used for its stability, security, and user-friendly interface. As you manage users on your Ubuntu 24.04 system, you might encounter situations where you need to grant administrative privileges to certain users. This guide focuses on how to add a user to the sudoers list in Ubuntu 24.04, a crucial step in managing user permissions and system security.

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Quick Guide to Securely Erasing Files in Linux

Quick Guide to Securely Erasing Files in Linux

Did you know that deleted files can be recovered rather easily, at least shortly after deletion? This is because deleting files does not actually erase the data, but simply tells the drive that the previously used space is now free. Until new data gets written to those blocks, the old files are still there and can be recovered with certain software.

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How to use curl to get public IP address

How to use curl to get public IP address

The curl command on Linux systems is commonly used to download and upload files to or from a remote server. Another interesting thing we can use it for is to determine the public IP address of our system. To do this, we can use curl to query websites that are configured to do nothing more than return the IP address of whichever system is connecting to it. This is one of the quickest and easiest ways to get your public IP address on the Linux command line. In this tutorial, you will see how to use the curl command to get your system’s public IP address.

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How to make a bootable USB from an ISO in Linux

How to make a bootable USB from an ISO in Linux

The purpose of this tutorial is to make a bootable USB drive from an ISO file. USB drives have recently overtaken CDs and DVDs as the primary media of physically distributed software. It is now a common task for system administrators and normal users to install operating systems and software via USB. When you download a Linux distro, chances are that it will come as an ISO file and you will need to burn it to USB in order to install Linux on a computer. This allows you to boot directly into the Linux installer. Similarly, we can also put other software on the USB drive, assuming that the installer is distributed as an ISO file.

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