export command in Linux with examples

export command in Linux with examples

The export command in Linux is used to set an environment variable. Environment variables are part of the Linux system shell that contain changing values. They help facilitate scripts and system programs, so that code can accommodate a variety of scenarios. Unlike regular shell variables, environment variables can be accessed system-wide, by any user or process.

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fold command in Linux with examples

fold command in Linux with examples

The fold command in Linux is used to wrap the lines of a file at a predetermined length. Its original use was to facilitate the viewing of large files on a terminal screen, and having each line be wrapped at a certain length so everything could fit on the monitor. Back in the 1970s, before terminals and applications had word wrap functionality by default, this was very handy.

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nl command in Linux with examples

nl command in Linux with examples

The nl command in Linux is an abbreviation for number lines. If you’ve ever had a large text document and needed to add line numbers to it, the nl command is your saving grace. Rather than going through the painstaking process of numbering each line manually, or importing your text document into a GUI text editor, you can simply use nl from the command line and be done in a matter of seconds.

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cp command in Linux with examples

cp command in Linux with examples

One of the most basic commands in Linux is the cp or copy command. The most basic way to use this command is to copy a file or multiple files. The cp command is one of the first commands you should learn as a newcomer to Linux, as copying files and directories is something you’ll do often.

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pwd command in Linux with examples

pwd command in Linux with examples

The pwd command in Linux is short for present working directory. When it comes to Linux commands, this has to be one of the simplest. It’s only function is to print the present working directory of your terminal. It comes in handy when you’re not exactly sure what directory you’re in, or when you need to pass the present working directory inside of a Bash script, for example.

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head command in Linux with examples

head command in Linux with examples

The head command in Linux is one of the most important commands you’ll need when viewing text files. If you’re new to Linux, the head command is a perfect place to start, since it has a simple syntax and straight forward purpose. The head command is the complementary command to the tail command. The head command is used to print the first 10 lines (by default) of one or multiple files.

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mkdir command in Linux with examples

mkdir command in Linux with examples

One of the most common and fundamental commands in Linux is the mkdir command. The most basic way to use this command is to create one or multiple directories. If you’re coming from Windows as a newcomer to Linux, you probably know directories as folders. The mkdir command can do a few other things with directories as well.

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