Introduction to the ansible console

Introduction to Ansible console

In previous Ansible tutorials we saw how easy it is to understand the basic concepts of this fantastic automation tool, how to write our first playbooks, how to organize tasks into roles, and how to use Ansible Vault to protect sensitive data. This time, we focus on an interactive tool which let us execute tasks on the fly, targeting single hosts or host groups: the Ansible console.

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how to create and test ansible roles

Introduction to Ansible roles

Ansible is a free and open source provisioning system written in Python and sponsored by Red Hat. In previous tutorials we learned the Ansible basics, and we saw how to organize tasks in playbooks and how to secure sensitive data using ansible-vault. There is another, very important concept we need to focus on when dealing with Ansible: roles.

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An Introduction to Linux Automation, Tools and Techniques

In the fast-paced world of technology, automating routine tasks can be the key to increased efficiency and productivity. Linux systems are no exception, and there are a variety of automation tools and techniques available to help streamline administration and management tasks. This article provides a comprehensive introduction to Linux automation tools and techniques, discussing the benefits of automation, the different types of tools available, and how to get started with automating your Linux workflow. Whether you’re a seasoned Linux administrator or just getting started, this article will provide you with the information and guidance you need to take your skills to the next level.

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How to perform unattended linux installations with kickstart

How to perform unattended Linux installations with Kickstart

Kickstart is an automatic installation method natively available on those distributions which uses the Anaconda installer: Red Hat Enterprise Linux (and its clones) and Fedora. It can also be used to install Ubuntu, actually, but in that context it acts as a layer of compatibility to the debian-native preseeding method. With Kickstart we can perform unattended, customizable and reproducible installations.

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Introduction to Ansible prompts and runtime variables

This tutorial is part of a series we dedicated to Ansible. Previously we talked about the Ansible basics, then we focused on some Ansible modules we can use to perform some very common administration tasks, and we also talked about Ansible loops. In this article, instead, we learn how to create interactive prompts we can use to ask for user input and how to pass variables at runtime.

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Ansible tutorial for beginners on Linux

A system administrator, in the vast majority of cases, has to take care of more than one server, so he often has to perform repetitive tasks on all of them. In these cases automation is a must. Ansible is an open source software owned by Red Hat; it is written in the Python programming lanaguage, and it is a provisioning and configuration management software which help us in the aforementioned cases. In this tutorial we will see how to install it and the basic concepts behind its usage.

In this tutorial you will learn:

  • How to install Ansible on the most used Linux distributions
  • How to configure Ansible
  • What is the Ansible inventory
  • What are the Ansible modules
  • How to run a module from the command line
  • How to create and run a playbook

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Image showing a Puppet sync error message

How to use Puppet environments in Linux to safely update an agent


Create and use puppet environments to test new configuration before updating a live production system.

Operating System and Software Versions

  • Operating System: Any major linux distribution e.g. Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS
  • Software: puppet and puppet-master


Privileged access to the puppet master server and the puppet client node.


  • # – requires given linux commands to be executed with root privileges either directly as a root user or by use of sudo command
  • $ – given linux commands to be executed as a regular non-privileged user


Most Puppet installations begin life as a master server running a single branch. The master contains all the manifests and other configuration for all the Puppet agents that are synced to it. This is a fine place to begin but there will rapidly arrive a time when an update needs pushing that has the potential to break a production server. Hoping for the best is not the best way to proceed.

Puppet provides the tools to separate entire branches of configuration. These are called environments. A Puppet environment is a way to supply an isolated group of agent nodes with their own dedicated configuration. Each environment contains an entire Puppet configuration tree and can be considered as a separate Puppet master server.

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