Ping command not found on Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy Jellyfish Linux

Depending on your Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy Jellyfish Server/Desktop installation your system might not come with the ping command pre-installed. This is especially the case for docker containers. Any attempt to ping a remote system will result in the following error:

$ ping
bash: ping: command not found

In this tutorial you will learn:

  • How to install ping command on Ubuntu 22.04
Install ping command on Ubuntu 22.04
Install ping command on Ubuntu 22.04
Software Requirements and Linux Command Line Conventions
Category Requirements, Conventions or Software Version Used
System Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy Jellyfish
Software iputils-ping
Other Privileged access to your Linux system as root or via the sudo command.
Conventions # – requires given linux commands to be executed with root privileges either directly as a root user or by use of sudo command
$ – requires given linux commands to be executed as a regular non-privileged user

Install ping command on Ubuntu 22.04 step by step instructions

  1. Start by opening a command line terminal and entering the following command to update the package repository index.
    $ sudo apt update
  2. Install the missing ping command which is available in the iputils-ping package on Ubuntu 22.04.
    $ sudo apt install iputils-ping
  3. The missing ping command should now be installed and ready to use:
    $ which ping

    Try pinging a remote host:

    $ ping -c 1
    PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=59 time=12.1 ms
    --- ping statistics ---
    1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
    rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 12.122/12.122/12.122/0.000 ms

Closing Thoughts

In this tutorial, we saw how to install the missing ping command on Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy Jellyfish Linux through use of the iputils-ping package. This software can easily be installed from the default Ubuntu repository and will enable ping command on your system. The ping command remains one of the best ways to quickly troubleshoot connectivity problems between your Ubuntu computer and a remote website, server, or other type of host.