Installation of Raspbian Linux on Raspberry PI computer using raspbian-ua-netinst

In this config you will learn how to install Raspbian Linux on your Raspberry Pi computer. Here is a what do you need checklist:

  • SD or miniSD card depending on your raspberry PI Hardware version
  • Wired connection to your router, set with DHCP and Internet connection

Next, install wget and bzip2 packages on your system:

# apt-get install bzip2 wget
# yum install bzip2 wget

We are now ready to download raspbian-ua-netinst image from Eg.:

$ wget

Once your download is complete insert your SD or miniSD card into your system and locate its block device filename using fdisk command:

# fdisk -l | grep Disk\ /

Match the size of your SD or miniSD card with the output produced by the above fdisk command. The required block device name is likely to be something like /dev/mmcblk0 or /dev/sdb. Take a note of the block device name and use bzcat command to install the previously downloaded raspbian-ua-netinst-v1.0.7.img.bz2 image to your SD or miniSD card.

WARNING: Be sure what you are doing. Using incorrect block device name may potentially wipe your system and data!

. Run the bellow command while changing the image version and the block device name to suit your configuration:

# bzcat raspbian-ua-netinst-vx.x.x.img.bz2 > /dev/xvz

Now remove your SD or miniSD card and insert it into your Raspberry PI device, connect network cable, monitor and connect power. Once you power up your Rapberry Pi the actual Raspbian Linux installation will take place. The installation will take some time and will be fully automatic. During the initial launch take a note of the assigned IP address so you can connect to your system remotely using SSH once the installation is finished. The default administration account is:

username: root
password: raspbian