how to create and manage snippets in vim with ultisnips

How to create and manage snippets in Vim with Ultisnips

Snippets are small fragments of reusable code which, in all the major text editors, can be defined, organized and associated to key shortcuts. Although in Vim it is possible to create snippets without using any plugin, Ultisnips provide us extra features and write snippets using a clean and well documented syntax.

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Introduction to jupyter notebook

Introduction to Jupiter Notebook

Jupyter Notebook is a web application used to produce computational documents, commonly called “notebooks” which can contain human-readable text, executable code, charts, and more. When used together with Python and libraries like pandas and Matplotlib, Jupyter notebooks are an excellent tool we can use for presentations and data analysis.

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How to manage tlp graphically with tlpui

Introduction to Tlpui, a GTK frontend for Tlp

Tlp is a command line utility we can use to optimize power consumption on Linux. It provides reasonable defaults, and, at the same time, an easy to understand text-based configuration file we can use to create our own setup. An external project provides a user-friendly GTK frontend to Tlp written in Python: Tlpui.

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How to install python applications in isolated environments with pipx

How to install Python applications in isolated environments with pipx

If you are familiar with Python, you surely used pip: the Python package installer. With pip, we can install packages “globally” or in virtual environments. Virtual environments are mainly used to install dependencies of specific projects, so to develop them in isolation. We usually install packages, “globally”, instead, when want to access the utilities they provide from anywhere. By using pipx we can get the best of both approaches: we can install each application in its own virtual environment, and, at the same time, access it globally.

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How to build command lines from standard input with xargs

How to use xargs to build command lines from standard input

Even the most basic installation of any Linux distribution comes with a set of really useful utilities: “xargs” is undoubtedly one of those. By using xargs we can build and execute command lines using items from standard input as arguments of a command. This is especially useful when dealing with programs which don’t read standard input directly.

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How to embed documentation in shell scripts using Pearl's Plain Old Documentation syntax

How to embed documentation in Bash scripts

Documenting how an application works, its purpose, and its intended usage is really important, even if it is just a simple shell script we are talking about. To ease code maintenance in the most basic cases, documentation can be embed directly inside scripts. In this tutorial we learn how to include Pearl’s Plain Old Documentation syntax (POD) in bash scripts, and how to convert it to various formats using pod2 utilities such as pod2man and pod2html.

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Introduction to the ansible console

Introduction to Ansible console

In previous Ansible tutorials we saw how easy it is to understand the basic concepts of this fantastic automation tool, how to write our first playbooks, how to organize tasks into roles, and how to use Ansible Vault to protect sensitive data. This time, we focus on an interactive tool which let us execute tasks on the fly, targeting single hosts or host groups: the Ansible console.

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