Joomla content management system Docker image deployment and usage


The automated build docker Joomla content management system (CMS) image “linuxconfig/joomla” can be used to instantly deploy Joomla CMS on your docker hosts.


The Joomla CMS application runs on Debian GNU/Linux system featuring Apache web server, MariaDB ( MySQL ), database and PHP5. A new docker container based on “linuxconfig/joomla” will expose port 80 which can be linked to the docker host port for an immediate Joomla web site access and configuration.

Configured MySQL users:passwords:

  • root:”empty password”
  • admin:”pass”

Configured MySQL databases:

  • joomla

Exposed ports:

  • 80


Below command will download and create a new docker container called joomla and link local host system port 80 with container’s exposed port 80.

# docker run -d --name=joomla -p 80:80 linuxconfig/joomla


Once you deploy the joomla docker container you can immediately access it by using your browser and navigating to http://localhost and start joomla installation and configuration by using the information provided above.

Additional information

Use the following linux command to update or reset MariaDB user password. The below command will set a new admin user password:

# docker exec -it joomla mysqladmin -uadmin -ppass password abc123

To create a new database eg. joomla2 enter:

# docker exec -it joomla mysqladmin -uadmin -ppass create joomla2